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"To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honors." – Tia Walker

The elderly are often overlooked. Many times they have outlived their children, so they are left alone to fend for themselves. Some receive a little help from their neighbors who are also poor. But without a tangible way to contribute to their village they are easily forgotten and isolated. We are changing this by providing for their spiritual, emotional and physical needs. They are valuable and we love them dearly.

  • We help with basic food, medical and hygiene supplies
  • We help with small packages of essentials: rice, beans, tea, salt, sugar, soap.
  • We help with household Items: bed, mattress, sheets, mosquito nets
  • We take every opportunity to pray with them as they express needs
  • We sit and listen to their life stories, share a smile and laugh, and learn from the vast knowledge they have to offer.
We are blessed by all they have to offer: wisdom, experience, companionship, joy, faith, love, and so much more!

Zaluma and Namukose

Zaluma and Namukose are an elderly couple who have no family support since all of their children have passed away.



Kiyuuba is elderly immigrant from Burundi where all of his family lives. He is now apart from them and surviving on the few food items that his neighbors give him.



David is an elderly gentleman that always has a smile on his face despite his living conditions (his home is in the background of this picture). He struggles with some cognitive disabilities but works when he can in the fields. Often he goes around the village asking for food.