Gift Catalog
Tippy Tap (Hand Washing Stations)
In the US we don't often think about *where* to wash our hands; we know we should and we just turn on a tap, wash and go. In Uganda that's not often the case. In the villages we work in unsanitary basins or jugs are often used leading to many preventable illnesses. With the tippy tap stations now all they have to do is fill the jerrican (attached to the top wooden bar) and step on the lower bar by their foot and they've got clean water for washing their hands. You can see the ladies are pretty excited about the stations! This is just one way we are coming along side communities and encouraging hygiene and wellness.
75% of all diseases in Uganda are a direct result of lack of clean water and proper sanitation. The most common water-borne diseases are diarrhea, dysentery, typhoid, and cholera. Water-borne diseases and related deaths can be reduced by 94% with safe, clean water, adequate sanitation and proper hygiene. Each station costs approximately $10 to set up.